Monday, April 6, 2009

My own song

Here is a song I wrote


  1. Nice on Kieran. It's good that you put a copyright on your song so no one feels they can just take it and call it there own.

    The yellow mike has much better sound quality. Next we should try the Singstar stereo mikes. Remind me tomorrow.

    Allanah K

  2. Hey Kieran
    Nice work! Your rhythm and tempo was consistent. You used some simple chords creatively and I liked the way you added the change in dynamics (a quieter patch) towards the end of the song.

    Keep working and sharing your talent. It will grow and maybe one day you will be our next NZ Idol! ;+)

  3. Fantastic effort, melody was really 'catchy', loved the instrumental...are you our next Dave Dobbyn?

  4. Wow what a fantastic song, your rhyming was great. I thought you used used your voice to good effect by changing the volume.

    Keep at it, you could be a star!
    Mr Wood

  5. Love your song - Is this the first time you have created something like this? You sound like a pro. I really like the dynamics you have within the song. Look forward to the next song. Mrs C

  6. I think you are very talented. I like your music and the lyrics. Keep thinking of the title. Who knows,you might be a famous singer one day!


  7. Thank you for all your great comments i really like that


  8. very nice (borat) from song

  9. Wow Kieran, that song you composed is a-ma-zing. You are so talented and have a fantastic voice to go with it. You will go far.... Jacqui (sam's mum)

  10. thank you for coming on my blog but a little tip don't put your last name a the internet and thank you again
